Dragon Ball FighterZ Toys Tease Game’s Plot, 3 More Characters Announced

26 November 2017 at 14:36 in Gaming News with 1 comment

Dragon Ball FighterZ

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With Arc System Works previously saying that Dragon Ball FighterZ won’t have a big roster as they want it to be a serious competitive fighter, every character announcement could very well be the last. Three more characters have however been announced again, rounding up the roster to 20 confirmed playable characters.

Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Ball Fighter Z Xbox One
Dragon Ball Fighter Z PS4
DRAGON BALL FighterZ Fighterz Pass
Anno 2205


The new additions are Adult Gohan (Majin Buu Arc), Kid Buu (Final Form), and Gotenks (Super Saiyan 3). Bandai Namco describes each one as follows — “Gotenks has a short reach but rapid movements such as the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. Gohan (Adult) can change the outcome of the fight by unleashing his ultimate ability mid-game to unlock his true power! Kid Buu with his high speed and power, is an expert for tricky attacks. He can stretch his arm, so reach should never be a problem!”

A trailer for Gotenks was also released, giving us a glimpse of his in-game moves. You can watch the trailer below:

A tweet from Bandai America has also revealed limited edition tie-in figures of the clones of Goku and Vegeta as a GameStop exclusive. The existence of the clones in the game had already been revealed in a previous trailer, but the description the tweet gives us a better idea of the magnitude of their role in the plot.

The fact that Bandai America says the clones pose a threat to the safety of the entire planet means these clones aren’t just cannon fodder, but may even be as strong as their originals. We already know that Android 21, an original character made specifically for the game, will be central to the plot, but these clones are an obvious way to give the Z Fighters formidable opponents without having to create more non-canon characters.

At the moment, there is no confirmation on whether these figures will be available in other territories.

Dragon Ball FighterZ will be launching on 26 January next year for PC, Xbox One and PS4.


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