
Citation tool

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It is a tool that checks daily if you added “ALLKEYSHOP” to the nickname of your Steam account.

With the Citation Tool, you can participate to quests on our reward program. Highlighted and normal quests allow you to earn points which you can use to get more spins on the Wheel of Fortune.


Activating the Steam citation tool allows you to unlock a third Wheel of Fortune in our rewards program. In contrast to the first two, which are free, this one costs 50,000 points or 1% if you have more than 5 million points.

You will also be rewarded with 10,000 points per day as long as “Allkeyshop” remains on your Steam name.


It’s very easy!

  • Register to our Reward Program
  • Link your Steam account to your Allkeyshop.com account. Make sure your Steam account is set to “public.”
  • Now go to your Steam profile and add “Allkeyshop” to your Steam Profile name (as shown in the image below).
  • Then click on the text in the red square in the next chapter of this tutorial

  • Click Here Citation Tool Allkeyshop

  • There you have it! After a maximum wait of one week for the first verification, you will now receive your 10,000 points per day.
  • Allkeyshop Citation Tool

Steam citations

Add one of the markers below to your Steam name and win points as long as you keep it.

10.000 points daily

Steam Markers
  • allkeyshop

In order to submit a citation, please login !

Allkeyshop Citation Tool

My Citations

You need to be logged in to see your citations summary.


Username_AKS says on 27 June 2024 at 19:39:35

Question: Is the allkeyshop marker case-sensitive? Is there a specific formatting requirement or just so long as the allkeyshop text is in the name field? Also, it has to be part of the name, and not in the comments or anywhere else on the profile page, correct? Thanks.

Hakura says on 27 June 2024 at 21:21:47

Hello Username,

I’m not sure to follow-up on your questions, the steam citation tool is on Steam.

Yes, it’s must be in the name as shown on the screenshot, there’s no other specific requirements. (It doesn’t have to be elsewhere, and wouldn’t work if you just write in the comments on your page, if this was the question).

Kind regards,
Allkeyshop team

Username_AKS says on 27 June 2024 at 21:36:17

I didn’t know if it needed to be “- Allkeyshop” like your example or just the letters in sequence “allkeyshop” – I just searched for allkeyshop users and over 9K appeared (https://steamcommunity.com/search/users/#text=allkeyshop) – so I’m guessing it’s just the letters. I originally put it in the comments, but now moved it to the actual name – so should be good to go by tomorrow. Thanks.

Vitor says on 26 May 2024 at 13:31:19

Hi i use the ALLKEYSHOP text on my linked account name

CarlosBraz says on 2 June 2024 at 20:00:02

Hello Vitor!
Like Hakura mentioned in the message below, the verification process is done automatically, commenting that here doesn’t interfere or speed it up.
Best of luck on the giveaways!

David says on 27 April 2024 at 22:07:36

Hi i use the ALLKEYSHOP text on my linked account name.

Hakura says on 29 April 2024 at 15:06:07


It is not need to write as a comment: ” i use the ALLKEYSHOP text on my linked account name.” as the check is automatic and done within a week.

Kind regards,
Allkeyshop Team

sebastian_vettel31 says on 27 April 2024 at 12:36:14

Hi i use the ALLKEYSHOP text on my linked account name.

Zo says on 27 April 2024 at 10:03:16

Hi i use the ALLKEYSHOP text on my linked account name.

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