Star Wars Battlefront 2’s Single Player Campaign will just be 5-7 Hours Long

22 October 2017 at 07:36 in Gaming News with 3 comments

Star Wars Battlefront 2

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With the hype brought on by Star War’s Battlefront 2’s latest story trailer, everyone’s been asking how massive the mode will be. Well, Motive Studios producer, David Robillard recenty revealed to Press Start how long it will take players to complete the story.

Star Wars Battlefront 2
Star Wars Battlefront 2 PS4
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Xbox One


Apparently, the mode will be on the short side as it will last for less than 8 hours. Robillards justified the length saying, “…we thought that around 5-7, maybe 8 hours is probably a good amount of time…we wanted to stay very driven towards the Star Wars fantasy that the players are going to experience and not have it be drawn out.”

Those who have been able to preview the campaign have been impressed with the quality so far, so the brevity might not become as off-putting as it should be. However, most players who experience a compelling story mode often want it to last a lot longer. To be fair, the game was a multiplayer-focused shooter in it’s first outing and it should be no surprise that this follow-up would continue using the same formula, just putting out a story mode as a bonus.

Robillard was also asked about future free story-related DLCs and only had this to say — “We’re not ready to announce anything at this time, we’ll see based on the reception the single player has, if we offer free DLC or not.”

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is coming to PC, Xbox One and PS4 on 17 November.


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Star Wars Battlefront 2 just got a new single player trailer and it shows Iden Versio being a badass, with hints of possible redemption for the protagonist.

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