Shenmue 3 Refund and Trial Details Announced

9 September 2019 at 17:11 in Gaming News with no comments
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Following the heavy backlash and backer disappointment that arose after Ys Net revealed that Shenmue 3 would be an Epic Games Store timed-exclusive, the developers promised to that they’ll be coming up with a way for backers to change platforms or just request for a refund. After over two months, Ys Net has now revealed how they intend to make this happen.

Come mid-September, backers will receive an email asking them to confirm their platform. In case they want to change platforms, ask for a refund, or maybe change regions for those intending to receive a PS4 copy, there will be a link included in the email that will send backers to a survey they can fill out to make their request happen.

There are a few details you’ll want to know about regarding the survey.

  1. The survey will only run for two weeks. Once this period is over, you will lose the chance to change your backer rewards.
  2. Refunds are only available to those who chose PC as their platform when they first backed the campaign.
  3. The processing time for refunds will vary and may take somewhere between 20 business days to 3 months. This is due to how old the campaign is already and differences in how payment processors handle these types of requests.
  4. Ys Net will post another Kickstarter update to inform backers once the survey period has started.

In other news, a free trial version of the game will be made available in the second half of September. The trial will feature a “sstand-alone act” and will last for about an hour. Players can replay the trial even after they complete it. Take note that progress in the trial won’t carry over to the final game.

Shenmue 3 launches on November 19th for PC and PlayStation 4.


Shenmue 3 Recommended System Requirements Revealed


Shenmue 3’s recommended system requirements have been revealed. Read on to find out how your hardware compares to what the devs recommend for the game.

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