Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Combat Mastery

2 April 2016 at 03:30 in Gaming News with no comments


Learn Faith’s attack types as well as other techniques used in combat for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.

Guns won’t be a part of Faith’s arsenal in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. She will mostly just use her fists as well as the environment around her. Faith’s momentum in the game will be an important key to bring about significant attacks.

Attack Types

There are two attack types that Faith can use. Both are dependent on the environment around her. She can either use a light or a heavy attack. When Faith is running, using a light attack will be a way for her to pass the enemies quickly. This type of attack just hurts the enemies while still being able to move around. The second type of attack is the heavy attack, you can deliver this by using your momentum. This leaves your enemies disoriented and are often off balanced. So instead of moving through enemies with this attack, you will stop as you deliver the blow and can start running again.

Damages On Faith

Faith is just a regular person who can fairly take enough damage but due to her incredible willpower and determination she can set aside the pain. She can however run out of stamina which will leave her hurting.

faith in combat

Other Techniques Used In Combat

Focus– This is a core feature of Faith where she is in a state of concentrated focus. In this specific state, she is invincible to her enemies because of the speed that she is currently in. However, by chance she gets hit, she will lose focus and not stamina.

Third Person Take Downs– These are finishing moves where you are able to see Faith taking down an enemy. As the developers put it this will “let people connect with Faith by reminding them who she is. She is this iconic heroin, but you rarely get to see her because of the first person perspective.”

Shift Move– A very useful move in complicated situations. This will let Faith have a burst of acceleration in any direction. This can be used in longer jumps,fast turns around corners and basically just keeping Faith’s movement flowing.

Disruptor– This is a gadget that Faith uses in order to interact with the Beat. The Beat is a connection to an augmented reality layer with underground network connections. Faith uses a special lens in order to see the Beat and with help from hackers, she will be able to hack into systems to use to her advantage. This tool is charged by kinetic energy when Faith is in a state of Focus. This can also be used in combat by hacking into communication systems and using a disabling sound boom to stun your enemies momentarily.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will be available for PC (Origin), PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Launch date is on May 26, 2016.



Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Dev Diary | City and Narrative

Another Developer Diary is available. This time it is about Faith’s story and the city that she treads in.