Know More About The Surge Background Story And World Details

3 April 2017 at 11:19 in Gaming News with no comments

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Deck 13’s upcoming RPG, The Surge gives us more information about the game’s story as well as some world details. This additional information was found on the game’s official Facebook page.

The Surge
The Surge PS4

The Surge is set in the not so distant future, where the world is almost at an end. Climate change is quickly deteriorating the Earth and overpopulation is making it hard to look for work.

The Surge Background Story Cover

The solution for this is found through the company CREO who has the technology to launch rockets into space to sort of replenish the Earth’s atmosphere. Since they are what looks like the key to the future of mankind, they receive numerous funding from the government. Also since they have all this work to do they are the ones who can give employment. Which brings us to our protagonist, Warren.

Warren was able to get into CREO as a regular worker. The work is tough and heavy so normally employees are fitted with exo-rigs that are drilled directly in their bones. Warren, however, had a faulty operation and had passed out due to the enormous amount of pain. He awakens and finds himself in the unfamiliar part of the company, the junkyard, and here the gameplay starts.

The Surge launches on May 16, 2017, available for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

What are your thoughts about the game’s background story? Share with us what you think in the comments below.


The Surge Details Launch Date and Gameplay Info We have for you everything that you need to know about the upcoming game The Surge. From videos to the launch date and many more!