Allkeyshop eGazette #1 September Edition

3 September 2022 at 15:11 in Uncategorized with 1 comment

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Hi everyone!

I have decided to start the Allkeyshop eGazette to let you know the latest actualities regarding Allkeyshop and the community.

egazette allkeyshop first edition

What’s new this month on Allkeyshop?

You asked for more ways to use points, and we heard you!

Last year we started different events on the official Discord server of Allkeyshop. So far, on Discord alone, there were over 1520 winners in the weekly #events and over 215 winners in the punctual #announcements. That adds up to 104205 winners on our websites so far since the new reward program have been deployed.

As the community keeps growing, we want to reward a maximum of our active users, but we also don’t want to be based only on “luck”. Yep, we all have our “bad luck brian” times, right!

Allkeyshop meme

So, I’m glad to announce that in the coming weeks there will be another new way to make a good use of your points!

Our NFTs will be free for our unlucky community members. With them you will be able to win games keys! (If you don’t like NFTs and don’t want free games, just burn them! 😉 )

Allkeyshop’s Sherpa Team

sherpa Allkeyshop

The first wave of recruitment for the Allkeyshop’s Sherpa is already done, but we are sure that we will want to involve more of the community in the future, so you can still apply!

If you are looking for a job you might be interested to check also our career page.

We would like to greet our newest Ambassadors/Sherpa team:

  • Javi “TmmRanger” Fernández [ES] (already were ambassador since a couple of months)
  • Askell [IT] (already were ambassador since a couple of months)
  • Gonçalo “K.9” Fernandes [PT]
  • Silent Static [EN]
  • CarlosBraz [PT]
  • Senpavo [IT]
  • Matt [ES]
  • Jesse “JesseRedbull” Bakker [NL]

To thank our first members within the team, we will send a T-shirt with Allkeyshop label that you can chose from our clothes store.

Public Trello for suggestions

We had it on stand-by for a while, but the Allkeyshop’s Trello Public is now active again. You can send suggestions about the website over there again. We will make sure to keep you updated with the newest features on the next eGazette!