Survival Sandbox Rend Launched in Steam Early Access

2 August 2018 at 14:52 in Gaming News with 1 comment

Frostkeep Studios has recently launched their survival sandbox game called Rend. The game takes players to a Nordic-mythology-inspired realm where players band together with their factions and battle foes and brutal creatures.



There’s definitely no shortage of survival games nowadays. So, what does Rend do different to hook players in? Well, players are forced to choose between 3 factions when they start out. Those in the same faction must work together to become the dominant faction. Check out the launch trailer below to get a better feel of the gameplay:

There will be specific time windows when factions will be able to attack opposing factions’ main bases. There will also be large-scale attacks that can coincide with these windows. Finally, the most powerful faction is determined at the end of each “cycle”. Just how long each cycle is, we don’t know yet, but the winners for each cycle get rewards that they can carry over to the next cycle.

The game’s Steam listing shows that the game will be in Early Access for 6-12 months. Let’s just hope it doesn’t fall into the Early Access development trap so many games before it have found so hard to escape.

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