Steam Summer Sale 2016: Mark Your Calendars Now!

16 June 2016 at 17:09 in Gaming News with 4 comments



…and get your wallets ready, too! 

The dates of the Steam Summer Sale 2016 have been revealed! The temperature is getting hotter, but we’re pretty sure there’s nothing hotter than discounted prices on video games!

The sale will start on June 23, 2016 as confirmed by Paypal UK on Twitter:


Steam Summer Sale 2016 Schedule

The entire duration of the sale is still currently unknown, but we’re guessing it will last for a week or two as it usually does for the past few years. Watch this space for more information about the Steam Summer Sale 2016 as well as our price comparisons for highlighted games during the sale! Which game/s on Steam would you like to go on sale? Let us know in the comments! spreadtheword