PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds Devs Apologize for Recent Server Issues

5 October 2017 at 07:59 in Gaming News with no comments

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

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PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds’ dev team recently came out with a blog post addressing the recent connection, login and server crash issues players have been experiencing.

Playerunknowns Battlegrounds
Playerunknowns Battlegrounds Xbox One


The post starts off with an apology to those who suffered through long waits and other inconveniences due to the issues. It then goes on to explain the reason behind the recent hiccups.

The devs attribute the problem to the rapid rate of increase in players. According to the post, the team had been preparing their servers for the expected influx of players since the end of June, but the rise in player count became too fast for their development speed.

The lack of physical servers in Asia increased crashes in the region. They tried a quick patch up solution by adding servers from a cloud service without sufficient testing, but some servers ended up becoming overloaded resulting to even more crashes.

Well, if their previous moves have been any indication, we should expect nothing but dedication from these guys. For now though, we’ll have to see in the coming days.


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