
Buy FIFA 22 FUT Points PS4 Compare Prices

What is FIFA 22 FUT Points Game Code?

It's a digital key that allows you to download FIFA 22 FUT Points directly to Playstation 4 from PSN (Playstation network).


Buy FIFA 22 FUT Points on PS4 at 8.79€ with an Allkeyshop coupon, found on CDKeys.com, amid 4 trusted sellers presenting 15 offers. Compare the best prices from official and cd key stores. Find the best sales, deals, and discount voucher codes.

Release date
1 October 2021
Official website
EA Canada
Electronic Arts
Simulation Sports

About this game

The FIFA 22 FUT Points are used to buy items used for Ultimate Team game mode such as FUT packs and FUT Drafts entries in the in-game store.


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PLAYSTATION NETWORK GERMANY : PSN Code for GERMANY ONLY. You need a German PSN Account to add EURO in your Virtual Wallet. Login to your Playstation Account, use the PSN Card Code (12 digit code) to add funds in PSN Wallet in your country currency EURO / EUR / € only. To add money on Playstation Network wallet you need the following components and services:
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You can follow the store description on how to add currency on the PSN Account for more informations.
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You can follow the store description on how to add currency on the PSN Account for more informations.
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You can follow the store description on how to add currency on the PSN Account for more informations.
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You can follow the store description on how to add currency on the PSN Account for more informations.
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You can follow the store description on how to add currency on the PSN Account for more informations.
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You can follow the store description on how to add currency on the PSN Account for more informations.
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* PS4 / PS3 / PSP / PSVITA Console
* A broadband internet connection
* UK Playstation Account
* A free Playstation Wallet
You can follow the store description on how to add currency on the PSN Account for more informations.

Prices History of FIFA 22 FUT Points

Our Playstation game price tracker allows you to effortlessly compare offers from official online stores and CD key shops. Keep an eye on the sales trends of FIFA 22 FUT Points on Playstation, and get alerted when the game hits your desired price. Never miss the best deal or FIFA 22 FUT Points sale.


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