The Day Before Dev Fntastic Shuts Down After MMO Release
9 months ago | Gaming News The Day Before developer Fntastic has shut down just four days after the post-apocalyptic open-world MMO’s release on Steam.Many have bought a The Day Before game key only to be left with news the game will no longer have updates.
Don’t buy the game, The developers Closed the game studio and the game does not work anymore , it happened only 4 days after the release of the game and they went bankrupt
If only they had also made single player mode, I would have definitely picked it up. the fact that it’s yet another multiplexer, I honestly can’t stand it anymore.
this game is going to be a hit or miss when it comes to launch, luckily for us we can get the game at a discount on alkeyshop
Regarding the contreversies that preceeded, better wait The Day of release Before I buy then! ^^
first time I’ve watched a game trailer and burst into spontaneous laughter “digigeo “