Watch The Surge Launch Trailer and Prepare For Its Release!

13 May 2017 at 15:40 in Gaming News with no comments

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Focus Home Interactive reveals The Surge launch trailer a few days ahead of its launch on 16 May 2017. The trailer gives us a glimpse on the megacorporation CREO, and the game’s protagonist Warren. It also shows some intense fighting scenes between Warren and CREO cyborgs and machines.

The Surge
The Surge PS4

Check out The Surge launch trailer here:

The Surge is a role-playing game from the creators of The Fallen, Deck 13 Interactive. You will take on the role of Warren, a CREO employee who’s armed with a mechanical exosuit. You will have to face crazed CREO employees as well as robotic enemies. The game features a stamina-based combat reminiscent of Dark Souls, but is combined with a limb-based targeting system. The limb-based targeting system allows you to dismember limbs from your enemies and use them as weapons, or as items to craft new gear and armor.

The Surge will be available on PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One.


The Surge Combat is Intense, Dynamic, and Fast Paced!

The Surge combat trailer shows just how fast paced, dynamic, and intense enemy encounters are. Check out the trailer here now!