
Buy Outbreak Contagious Memories KEY PS5 Prices

What is Outbreak Contagious Memories Game Code?

It's a digital key that allows you to download Outbreak Contagious Memories directly to Playstation 5 from PSN (PlayStation Network).

WHAT IS THE BEST PRICE FOR Outbreak Contagious Memories PS5?

Buy Outbreak Contagious Memories on PS5 at £24.99 with an Allkeyshop coupon, found on PS Store UK, amid 5 trusted sellers presenting 10 offers. Compare the best prices from official and cd key stores. Find the best sales, deals, and discount voucher codes.

Release date
6 April 2022
Official website
Dead Drop Studios LLC
Dead Drop Studios Llc

About this game

Outbreak: Contagious Memories is an action-adventure RPG reminiscent of survival horror classics from the 90’s like resident evil, silent hill, clock tower, etc. Join Lydia in her desperate struggle to survive a zombie apocalypse, where your moment-to-moment decision making like what you decide to carry and how good you are at spotting clues and notes can be the difference between surviving or dying, can you make it out alive in this city ravaged by the undead?

  • The game starts as Lydia and a couple of other survivors wake up after being knocked unconscious in an abandoned warehouse, take charge, and forge a path through the crafty environmental puzzles and hordes of undead that will stop at nothing to stop you and your new companions.
  • Think on your feet and decide how to best handle all situations resources are scarce after all, is it worth it to use that extra bullet on a zombie, or maybe you should take a risk and dodge it? A bullet saved is a bullet earned and medical supplies are hard to come by.
  • Surviving is hard enough as it is, you don’t have to go at it alone grab a friend and work together to escape the city in a fully integrated co-op game mode, in this mode you can even change the camera in a 1st person, 3rd person, or fixed position.
  • Even after you finish the game there are still plenty of things to do bonus content like operation rabid wolf, where you work together with survivors or compete with them, fighting through the city rescuing survivors, or beating the main game in record time with no weapons but your fists.


In conclusion, Contagious Memories is not an experience I could recommend in good faith to even the most ardent of survival horror fans. My lingering thought as I put the game down and began writing up this review was, “who is this for”? If you want a classic survival horror fix, then there are much more appealing options out there, including the greats that Contagious Memories imitate cheaply.



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PlayStation 5 Hardware Console. Playstation 5 home video game console hardware developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment and released in 2020. The fifth generation of PlayStation.
Definitive Collection
Standard Edition

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